Thursday, April 7, 2011

On Fairies or "Land Spirits"

 I have almost always rolled my eyes at the thought of fairies and was amazed at how many traditions work with these mythological beings. A big problem with the Wiccan misconception is the people who don’t think we are Satan worshippers will usually thing we are a bunch of whackos that think the world is all unicorn, rainbows and we dance naked and worship fairies. That may be true for some people, but not the majority. I don’t think there are really these little winged people floating around (personally I think it’s a bit silly), but I have had personal “encounters” with the energies the fairies represent, and not intentionally or seeking them out by any means. 

I view fairies as invisible, semi-intelligent energy “beings” sort of like ghosts (for lack of a better term) that preside over specific plots of land and all the creatures and plants that live there.  The only reason I believe this is because at the house my sister and I were raised and lived in for 15 years, my sister, mom, dad and I had some serious bad luck and some serious illnesses. My sister was diagnosed with debilitating junior rheumatoid arthritis when she was around 3 years old, my father had a heart attack in his early forties and my mother has an undiagnosed chronically painful kidney disease. (She’s had 6 surgeries and gave up on medicine). She also has horrible migraines she has to give herself a shot for. 

Me? Well I could write a book on that but from the time I was 12 to when I was 20 (and became a vegetarian and health nut) I had an uncommon (and still do, It doesn’t bother me that much anymore) bladder disease called Interstitial Cystitis. It took them 4 years and 6 doctors to figure it out. Let me tell you, the pain that my bladder used to cause me cost me missing a lot of high school (which is fine because my high school was a joke) and a semester of college. I tried everything; I used to go to the Detroit Medical Center once a week to get catheterized. They even taught my fiancé how to do it to me when I needed it. I gave up when I was 19 and I had this device called an interstim put into my spinal cord. It took them 3 weeks of surgery to put it in the right spot. It’s an electrical device that’s supposed to stimulate the nerve to block pain. Anyway, it stopped working after 6 months but I basically cured myself with a healthy, vegetarian, organic diet. That’s not even counting all my other health problems, but let’s move on.

So I always told my parents (my mom being raised Catholic thought I was crazy) that because our property was split in half by a creek that also split into two branches and merged again, that there was a disrupted energy force (not really knowing what at the time) that caused our bad luck. We didn’t technically own the side of our property across the creek, my dad’s parents did. The reason I suspected something afoot was because at a new age store I heard a story of a farmer that owned a plot of land next to another farmer and their property was divided by a creek. So one day, the farmer on the opposite side of the creek decided to move and sell his land to the neighbor farmer. He thought this would be perfect for his cows, so he bought it. He made a bridge for his cows to go across and in the span of three months after he bought the land most of his healthy cows either became ill or died. Distraught, the farmer consulted someone else who ended up dowsing the land and claiming that the land spirits needed to be acknowledged and appeased. Well the farmer didn’t want the church to excommunicate him, so he just sold the land and brought his remaining herd back to his side. The cows were healthy again in a few months and started to give birth again. Interesting.

So my parents moved to Texas and bought a brand new house because my mom got a new job. This house was never lived in. I am staying with my mom right now (in Texas) while my sister finishes high school up north and my dad sells our old house. I didn’t want her to be alone. Make a long story short; all kinds of nonsense and mischief happened in the house when we moved in. The breakers kept popping, the doorbell mechanism inside almost caught the house on fire, the hot water tank wouldn’t heat water properly, the air conditioner was strangely shut off from the outside, among other things.  So I decided when my mom went back up to Michigan to visit my dad and sister, I would properly smudge the entire house, property as well as appeasing the land spirits. 

I went to a metaphysical store in Fort Worth and picked up 4 silver fairy charms and a bundle of white sage. I opened every window in the house and began to smudge the house clockwise. All the bedrooms would have been done last, as they are on the opposite side. When I got to the garage door (from inside the house) it was literally jammed shut. I couldn’t get it open for the life of me. I locked it, unlocked it, and it was stuck fast. So I said a few things and I’m not lying, it finally opened. After going around the garage I came back inside the house and I could not keep the sage lit! So I carried around the lighter and kept re-lighting it while keeping my focus. Suddenly, before I could even get to the bedrooms, the doors started slamming. Of course one could say that there was a breeze from the open windows, or my sage wasn’t properly dried, but I think there is more to it than that. Anyway, after purifying the house, I did the same outside and buried and offered the silver trinkets to the spirits at each of the cardinal directions and I also buried 2 (4 pieces) apples that were cut in half to show the star around the house for good luck and protection. Nothing has gone awry since.
I whole heartedly believe that those land spirits were irritated that someone moved onto their land without their permission or introduction. I am not going to say they are fairies in the classical sense, but they are definitely real.

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